Friday 27 April 2012

GUI Testing

    This compartment mainly emphasizes on the GUI - Graphics User Interface aspect of the Application. It is not concrete that once GUI guidelines are set that can be followed blindly. GUI standards may vary from company to company and also from application to application. But still one can set general guidelines to have an overall idea on how to start GUI testing. These guidelines apply for every screen/ dialog box of the application. General guidelines are:
    1. All the dialog box should have a consistent look through out the Application system. For e.g.- If the heading within a dialog box is blue then for each dialog box the heading should be of this color.
    2. Every field on the screen should have an associated Label.
    3. Every screen should have an equivalent OK and cancel button.
    4. The color combination used should be appealing.
    5. Every field in the dialog box should have a Short Cut Key support. For e.g.- User Name
    6. Tab order should be normally set horizontally for the fields. In some case as per the case the Tab Order can be set vertically.
    7. Mandatory fields should have * (RED ASTERIK) marked to indicate that they are mandatory fields.
    8. Default key <Enter> should be set as OK for the dialog box.
    9. Default key <Esc> should be set as Cancel for the dialog box.
